class 1: PHP procedural – 1 

  • Introduction Variable
  • Data Type
  • Operator
  • Constant

class 2: PHP procedural – 2

  • Number System
  • printf, sprintf
  • condition(if…else…)
  • Ternary operator

class 3: PHP procedural – 3

  • Condition(switch/case)
  • loop(for, while do…while)
  • Best coding Practice

class 4: PHP procedural projects and theory:

  • Find Bigger Number
  • Leap Year
  • Fibonacci Series
  • Factorial


spaceship operator, null collapse operator

class 5: PHP programming database (SQL) – 5 procedural – 4

  • Function
  • Recursive Function
  • Variable scope
  • The unlimited argument in a function

class 6: PHP programming procedural – 5


  • Indexed Array 2. Associative Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Array
  • Array to String
  • String to Array
  • JSON
class 7: PHP procedural – 6

 Array Advance 1: 

  • Copy by value, Copy by reference
  • Data extract from the array
  • Marge Array
  • Array sorting
  • Search In array

class 8: PHP programming procedural – 7 

Array Advance 2: 

  • Utility functions
  • list function
  • range function
  • array shuffle
  • Associative array shuffling problem solution

class 9: HTML Web Page:

  • use PHP on HTML webpage
  • HTTP verbs: get, post, put, delete
  • form input
  • user input sanitize

class 10: File Upload:

  • file upload manage
  • multiple file upload
  • php.ini settings

class 11: String Operation:

  • various string writing method
  • ASCII code
  • string reverse
  • string search, tokenization, replace, trim, word wrap
  • sscanf function

class 12: File System 

  • Data read, write, append from file
  • open files in various modes
  • Data process in various file
  • Data process with serialize array and JSON

N.B: May take one more class

class 13: CRUD Project

class 14: Practice CRUD Project

 SESSION:class 15

  • SESSION introduction
  • Create SESSION
  • User authentication with SESSION
  • Role Management
  • SESSION Scope
  • SESSION storage
  • Cookie

class 16: Date & Time

  • PHP time date functions
  • Benchmarking
  • PHP date from the database (SQL) – 5 at
  • UNIX & GMT timestamp
  • sting to UNIX timestamp

class 17: Object-Oriented Programming – 1

  • introduction
  • Class, Object, Method, Property
  • Constructor Method

class 18: Object-Oriented programming -2 

  • public and private method
  • inheritance
  • parent and child class scope
  • example with inheritance

class 19: Object-Oriented programming – 3

  • abstract class & method
  • inheritance final keyword
  • interface
  • static method and properties

class 20: Object-Oriented programming – 4

  • static scope
  • constant
  • magic methods
  • Interface
  • object cloning
  • object to string


Class 23: Trait:

  • Trait introduction
  • method order
  • conflict resolution
  • abstract & static method

class 24: File system & Directory – 1 

  • filesystem and directory functions
  • Create Directory
  • Delete Directory
  • Delete directory recursively
  • File and folder permission
class 25: File system & Directory – 2 
  • DirectoryIterator class
  • RecursiveDirectoryIterator class
  • pathinfo() function
  • copy files
  • glob() function

class 26: Mailing: 

  • Text email
  • HTML email
  • Mail with attachment
  • phpMailer

class 27: Error Handling: 

  • Error Settings
  • error log
  • custom error handler
  • fatal error handler
  • debug with backtracing

class 28: Database: 

  • Introduction
  • MySql database
  • Basic SQL Command
class 29: OOP Design Pattern:
  • Introduction
  • Singleton pattern
  • Adapter pattern
  • Decorator pattern
  • Factory pattern
class 30: OOP Design Pattern:
  • Abstract factory pattern
  • Facade pattern
  • Strategy pattern

Class 31: Project: 

  • Tasks project

class 32: project:

  • project practice

class 33: Database (SQL) – 1

  • table structure
  • data grouping
  • Multiple where clause
  • Data pick from various tables
  • inner join

class 34: Database (SQL) – 2

  • group by
  • aggregator function
  • subselect
  • various joining
  • left, right join

class 35:  Database (SQL) – 3

  • data import
  • if…else in select query
  • random value
  • MySQL table duplication

class 36: Database (SQL) – 4

Stored Procedure:

  • Introduction
  • store procedure example
  • store procedure parameter
  • delete, show, edit store procedure

class 37: Database (SQL) – 5 

MySQL prepared statement 

  • introduction
  • SQL injection
  • LIKE, IN operator
  • Result display

class 38: Database (SQL) – 5 

  • PDO

class 39: Final project 

  • a user dashboard(web app)
  • user authentication
  • user role
  • usage of libraries

class 21: Object-Oriented programming – 5

  • early & late binding
  • property overloading
  • class file autoloading
  • namespace

class 22: Object-Oriented programming advanced – 1

  • method chaining
  • dependency injection
  • SOLID principle

class 23: Object-Oriented programming advance – 2

  • SOLID principal

S – Single-responsibility principle

O – Open-closed principle

L – Liskov substitution principle

I – Interface segregation principle

D – Dependency Inversion Principle


class 40: Final project: 

  • complete the full project

class 41, 42: Project practicing 

Thank you for viewing the course outline. This course is for absolute beginners and also for experts.

There may be some chapters missed by mistake. Please inform us if you find anything to add.

We are always open to hearing from you.